Friday, July 19, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Kanye West attacks!


Kanye West allegedly just attacked another photog at LAX just moments ago and its so bad that paramedics are on the scene. Sources connected with the photog say that Kanye was on his way out of the airport when everything went haywire, attacking the paparazzo. An eyewitness stated that Kanye was leaving the terminal with a bodyguard and approximately five paparazzi surrounded him, snapping pictures. One photog allegedly was aggressive, and asked Kanye a ton of questions. Kanye told the man not to ask him any questions but he kept going, and Kanye attacked, attempting several punches, which resulted in the man falling down. Paramedics and police are currently on the scene. Kanye just laid down his infamous pap rules telling a TMZ photog to "NEVER TALK TO HIM EVER" just a few days ago.

VIDEO: Kanye West to Paparazzi "Don't Talk To Me!"


Amanda Bynes kicked out of Ritz-Carlton

Amanda Bynes was kicked out of a Ritz-Carlton in NYC today after allegedly smoking weed in her hotel room and being rude to hotel staff, and making one employee cry. Amanda begs to differ, stating that she left the hotel voluntarily. Sources told TMZ that Amanda was a nightmare from the beginning. Smoking weed despite warnings from hotel staff, and spraying chemicals to cover up the weed smell. She also offended a hotel employee by telling her that she's "too ugly" to check her in and then offered her plastic surgeons services to the desk girl in question, which resulted in the woman crying. The bad behavior continued until Thursday but the hotel staff had enough, they kicked her out before check out time at noon.