The 2014 Video Music Awards started off with bang as these three ladies hit the stage individually then teamed up at the end to perform their new collaboration "Bang Bang."
Nicki Minaj "Wardrobe Malfunction?"

Apparently Nicki didn't have enough time to zip up her dress because she returned to the stage holding her dress in an awkward fashion. After the show the rapper then took it to Instagram stating "As long as a nipple didn't come out to play, I'm good." However there is speculation that this so called wardrobe malfunction was staged and that witnesses seen Nicki rehearsing with the same dress on and holding it in the same fashion. So was this just a stunt to steal the show from Ariana and Jessie? Because no one is talking about their performance as a whole, just Nicki's wardrobe malfunction. I guess that's a question only Nicki would know the answer to.
Miley Cyrus Gets Homeless Teen to Accept Her Award

Instead of twerking around the room and on someone's husband like she did last year, Miley has made a big transformation. When she won Video of the Year for "Wrecking Ball" instead of going on the stage and accepting the award herself, she sent a young man who identified himself as "Jesse" to accept the moon man trophy on behalf of the 1.6 million runaways and homeless youth in the United States.
Blue Ivy Steals the Show

When Queen Bey hit the stage for an astonishing 15 minutes performing every song from her self-titled visual album.Viewers at home got a glimpse of Blue Ivy dancing in the audience to her mother's music. After, the performance Jay-Z and Blue Ivy came to the stage to present Beyonce' her moon man trophy for the Michaeal Jackson Video Vanguard Award and calling her "the greatest living entertainer." Blue Ivy was also see cheering with the crowd saying "go mommy!"